Monday, December 30, 2019

The Snake Cult of False Prophet Alexander of Abonoteichus

It turns out that modern America isnt the only place suffering from scary and bizarre cults. Meet Alexander of Abonoteichus, who used a hand puppet to create his own cult centered on a snake. Alexanders story comes to us from the Greek satirist Lucian, who weaves a fascinating tale of faith and scams. External sources corroborated the existence of a Glycon cult, and even one of Lucians more spurious claims - that Alexander slept with married ladies - seems to have been possible, if not terribly likely. Early Life Alexander hailed from Abonoteichus, a hot-spot in Paphlagonia on the Black Sea. But  the story of this  Alexander,  Lucian says, is no mean feat to tell; Lucian might as well be speaking of Alexander the Great! As Lucian quips, The one was as great in villainy as the other in heroism. As a youth, Alexander was a prostitute. One of his  clients was a snake oil salesman/doctor, a quack, one of those who advertise enchantments, miraculous incantations, charms for your love-affair. This guy recognized trained him in the ways of trickery and selling scams. There was a long tradition of wandering scholars/magicians in this part of the world at the time, as Lucian attests: Alexanders master once followed the famed mystic Apollonius of Tyana. Sadly for Alexander, his master died when he hit his teens, so he formed a partnership with a Byzantine writer of choral songs to go around the countryside practicing quackery and sorcery. Alexander and his partner Cocconas followed one of their best clients home to Pella in Macedon.   At Pella, Alexander got the idea for his greatest  scheme yet, one that allowed him to  become the Professor Marvel of the ancient Mediterranean.  He bought one of those pet snakes and, having realized that people who provided hope to their worshippers earned a  lot of money in tribute and offerings, decided to  found his own snake cult based around prophecy. Serpents had  long been associated with foreknowledge in ancient Greece, so that was a no-brainer. A False Prophet Is Born Alexander and Cocconas started in Chalcedon, where they went to the temple of Asclepius, a healing deity and son of prophecy god Apollo. In that sanctuary, they buried tablets that foretold the coming of Asclepius to Alexander’s hometown of Abonoteichus. Once people â€Å"discovered† these texts, every mystic headed straight there to build a temple to Asclepius.   Alexander went home dressed as a prophet descended from Perseus (even though everyone who knew him from home was aware his parents were Average Joes). In order to keep up the pretense of prophecy, Alexander chewed soapwort root to fake fits of madness. He also created a snake hand puppet made from linen that â€Å"would open and close its mouth by means of horsehairs, and a forked black tongue ... also controlled by horsehairs, would dart out.† Alexander even stashed an extra snake egg near the temple in Abonoteichus; muttering words in Hebrew and Phoenician – which seemed like magical gibberish to his listeners – he scooped up the snake and said Asclepius had arrived! Alexander then snuck in a tame snake he bought from Pella and swapped it out for the baby serpent, telling everyone it grew up super-fast, thanks to magic. He also put tubes into his snake puppet and had a friend speak through them to allow Asclepius to prophesize. As a result, his snake, Glycon, was turned into a god. To interpret prophecies, Alex told supplicants to write down their questions on scrolls and drop them off with him; he secretly read them after removing their wax seals with a hot needle, then prepped his answers before they returned. He banned others from sex with young boys, but allowed himself to molest choirboys who served him. This fraud set a high price for his prophecies and sent people abroad to stir up good PR for him. Word reached as far as Rome, from which rich but gullible Rutilianus came to visit; the false prophet even manipulated this guy into marrying Alexanders own daughter. This helped Alexander establish a spy network in Rome and create  mystery rites  for his cult,  like those of Demeter or Dionysus. So great was Alex’s influence that he convinced the emperor to change the name of Abonoteichus to Ionopolis (perhaps after another of Apollo’s mythical sons, Ion); the emperor also issued coins with Alexander on one side and the snake Glycon on the other! Alexander once prophesied he’d live until 150, then get struck by lightning, but his real death was less dramatic. Before he turned 70, one of his legs rotted all the way to his groin; only then did people notice he wore a wig to look young.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay Negative Body Image Leads to Eating disorders

Eating disorders â€Å"Many kids — particularly adolescents — are concerned about how they look and can feel self-conscious about their bodies.† Eating disorders have the power to affect everyday life. Not only in just teens but all ages. They are able to cause extreme weight changes. As well as, it could affect your health for the rest of your life. (Source 1) By having an eating disorder everything becomes based off of that, if it isn’t helped or stopped it could become serious and damage your health permanently. Information: Someone who has difficulties with any type of eating disorder have negative body imagines. Therefore this person begins to do things that mess with regular body functions and their life. Even though it seems as if eating†¦show more content†¦Anorexia and Bulimia could possibly cause kidney failure, heart problems, dehydration, and severe malnutrition. (Source 1) Some people that have a body image that is negative often develop an eating disorder. As well as, are more likely to fall into depression. Along with the depression can come anxiety. (Source 3) It is statistically proven that eating disorders have a huge impact on health, and is the deadliest mental illness. (Source 2) Eating disorders can cause teeth decay, diabetes, low blood pressure, swelling, and possible death. (Source 4) The eating disorders are physical and emotional problems for men and women and can be life threatening. They include behaviors surrounding weight and food, extreme emotions, and attitudes. Sel f-esteem is a factor for all eating disorders. (Source 5) Examples: With most of the people struggling with eating disorders being teenage girls, there is one example that could change a life. This sweet girl named Elizabeth Willis. It all started when she was in sixth grade, she had anorexia. She spent two weeks in the hospital because of this monster as she called it. She was determined to get over it. She wanted to be a good example for her 5 siblings. She stated that she wasnt going to the one to tear the family apart. She wanted to fight, she wanted to win. She knew she could overcome this. She wasnt alone. Therefore she fought it; she had complete hope andShow MoreRelatedBody Image : Breaking The Stereotypes And Standards947 Words   |  4 PagesBody Image: Breaking the Stereotypes and Standards There is a certain point in life that we become aware of our bodies and how others view them. The way we view our bodies, as individuals, can either help or hurt our self-esteem. Body image can be a very hard battle for anyone to fight; there is a tremendous amount of pressure put on mostly young women to match the â€Å"ideal† body type. What I want to know is, how can we overcome the stereotypes and standards set by the society we live in today? ItRead MoreEating Disorders And Body Image1613 Words   |  7 Pages Eating disorders and body image Cenia Xu Father Michael Mcgivney Catholic Academy Effects of Eating disorders have on teenagers Every day, teenagers are surrounded by different messages from different sources that impact the way they feel about the way they look. For some, poor body image is a sign of a serious problem: an eating disorder. Eating disorders are not just about food.The eating disorders containRead MoreNegative Body Image Essay1679 Words   |  7 Pagesskinny?† â€Å"I really need to stop eating so much†, and so on. The girl has never really thought about her body in these ways; she has felt neutral about it until now. She looks down, cautiously grabbing at her stomach in the same way that the other girls are. Later, when she goes on social media, she begins noticing how flawless celebrities are and how perfect their bodies seem in comparison to hers. Her mind begins swirling with thoughts. Body image, eating disorders, and their effects plague AmericaRead More The Medias Influence on Eating Disorders Essay example1100 Words   |  5 PagesMedias Influence on Eating Disorders The National Eating Disorders Association states that eating disorders are conditions that arise from factors including physical, psychological, interpersonal, and social issues. Media images help define cultural definitions of beauty and attractiveness and are often acknowledged as one of the factors that contribute to the rise of eating disorders (NEDA). The National Eating Disorders Associations website, The Effect of the Media on Body Satisfaction inRead MoreMedia s Effect On Teenage Girls1196 Words   |  5 Pageswhat society defines as the ideal body. As a teenager one wants to fit in with the most popular group. Recent movies like â€Å"Mean girls† and â€Å"16 wishes† have shown the role of the popular girl to be thin, beautiful, and smart. As a media consumer, females assume that if they achieve this look they will become popular as well. Many teenagers go through stressing situations in order to accomplish the ideal body image. For instance, many teenager s develop eating disorders or go through plastic surgery.Read MoreBody Dissatisfaction And Eating Disorders946 Words   |  4 Pages Body image involves awareness of the form, shape, and size of one’s body (Cash, 2012). This includes both a perceptual awareness of one’s appearance and an attitude toward one’s appearance (Cash, 2012). Body dissatisfaction involves the attitudinal portion of body image, which refers to the extent to which a person is displeased with his or her body (Cash, 2012). Body dissatisfaction contributes to the development of eating disorders because when people are dissatisfied with their appearance, theyRead MoreSocial Medi A Major Impact On The World Today1447 Words   |  6 Pagesor circle, also, it was the growing way of communicating with one another. However, even as I did own almost every type of social media account at the time, it did not lead to the most memorable high school experience socially. While I was growing up, I played soccer almost my entire life, but I did not have the typical soccer body. I was more stocky and short, compared to the ideal soccer player look, for example, Cristiano Ronaldo, who was tall and lean. My teammates would constant ly tease me, especiallyRead MoreThe Struggles of Self Esteem662 Words   |  3 Pagescriticism can lead to dissatisfaction with one’s body image and self esteem. Body image distortion is known to be affecting adults and adolescents worldwide. The pursuit for perfection often results in the sense of failure which regularly leads to acts of self harm. These acts can be as common as unhealthy dieting as well as excessive exercising which can build up into life threatening eating disorders. Anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and depression are commonly associated with negative body image. Women withRead MoreSocial Media and its Effect on Eating Disorders793 Words   |  3 Pages and Facebook, but it comes with a problematic cost, mental disorders on the rise. Eating disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, and other mental disorders are rapidly becoming more and more common in hospitals all across the nation, and social media is fueling the fire. There are solutions, though, ones that can and will work. New solutions are being created, ideas such as better limits in social networking, a more healthy body image on billboards, and being more careful on what message companiesRead MoreThe Negative Impact Of Social Media And Body Image1452 Words   |  6 Pagesresearch, the tremendous exposure to the media has a negative impact in the consumers and their health, as well as their body image. The ideal body image that is seen by today’s society is tall, thin, muscular, and fit. It is constantly advertised in various forms of media including, such as televisions, mag azines, internet, and smartphone devices, which make others feel insecure about appearance and health. The constant reinforcement of the ideal body image throughout the media negatively impacts society

Friday, December 13, 2019

11th and 12th section review Free Essays

What was America’s first major industry? In what region of the nation did it center? Lowell, Massachusetts(Northeast). Textiles became America’s first major industry. 2. We will write a custom essay sample on 11th and 12th section review or any similar topic only for you Order Now Name three of this era’s important inventors and their respective inventions. John Deere perfected the plow. Cyrus McCormick, in 1834, received a patent for a reaping machine, a horse-drawn device that allowed one man to cut and stack ten to twelve acres of grain in a single day. Samuel Colt made his mark on the firearms industry. He patented and manufactured a â€Å"six-shooter,† a pistol with a revolving cylinder which allowed a user to fire six times before reloading. . Why was the discovery of anthracite coal in western Pennsylvania important? American farm production grew at a tremendous rate. In 1789, farmers had generally eked out only enough to feed their own families. But by 1861, the United States was producing nearly $2 billion worth of agricultural products each year. 4. How did the invention of the cotton gin increase the differences between the South and the rest of the nation? The growth of the cotton kingdom, however, widened the gap between the South on the one hand and the North and the West on the other. Cotton growing, for one thing, revitalized slavery. In 1790, slavery had seemed an increasingly unprofitable and dying institution. With the advent of the cotton gin, however, many planters thought that slavery was necessary again. 1. Name two methods of surfacing roads in the nineteenth century. Corduroy roads and toll roads 2. What event marked the beginning of the canal era? The canal era began in 1817, when New York, at the urging of Governor DeWitt Clinton, began building a canal from Albany to Lake Erie. 3. What was America’s most important method of transportation by 1861? The clipper ship 4. What was the first economically successful railroad in America? Who designed its first steam engine? Baltimore Ohio (B O) Railroad and Peter Cooper 5. What system of carrying mail across the continent began in 1860? What invention put it out of business? Semaphore and Telegraph 1 . What was the most controversial reform movement of the first half of the nineteenth century? Who was its most important leader? Without doubt the most controversial reform movement in the first half of the nineteenth century was abolitionism, the movement to eliminate slavery and William Lloyd Garrison. 2. What were the two important trends in American education in the early 1800s? Two important trends developed in the reform of American education during this period: the growth of both public education and teacher education. Most schooling since colonial days had been a private affair. 3. What is the difference between temperance and Prohibition? Reformers eventually replaced their call for temperance, or moderate drinking, with a call for the outright prohibition, or banning, of the sale and consumption of alcohol. 4. How did utopian reformers differ from other reformers? Most reformers focused on a single major problem in society, such as prison reform r alcohol, and aimed at eliminating the problem throughout society. Utopian reformers, on the other hand, sought to establish small, perfect communities that would serve as models tor the retorm ot society at large. A utopia is an ideally perfect place. 5. Which authors defended romanticism’s idea that man is basically good? Which authors denied this idea? 6. How did the Journalistic approach of the New York Sun differ from that of the New York Tribune? He Sun contained sensational accounts of murders, scandals, and other lurid events to appeal to the baser tastes of readers. The Tribune, edited by Horace Greeley, supported reform fforts and attempted to educate and uplift its readers. The two approaches proved equally successful, and both the Sun and the Tribune attracted readers even outside of New York. 1 . Why did western Pennsylvania become an early center of American heavy industry? Guns and patents 2. How did reform movements affect the American public during the first half of the nineteenth century? More religion groups 3. During the Second Great Awakening, which were more emotional, the revivals in the East or the revivals in the West? In which region did the revivals center in the schools and churches? East and Northeast How to cite 11th and 12th section review, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

War Imperialism in Republican Rome, 327 BC-70 BC free essay sample

Critical analysis of work William Harris on reasons for effects of Romes expansionist policy. Ancient Rome developed from a small prehistoric settlement on the Tiber River in Latium in central Italy into an empire that encompassed all of the Mediterranean world, and the civilization that resulted formed the basis for modern Western civilization. The history of Rome can be divided into three major epochs: the kingship from the legendary foundation of Rome to 509 BC; the republic from 509 BC to 31 BC; and the empire, which survived until Rome finally fell to the German chieftain Odoacer in AD 476. The genius of the Romans lay in the military, in government administration, and in the law, and they valued crafty diplomacy as much as military discipline. The Romans conquered Greece, adopting Greek culture and transmitting it to the medieval world. Unlike the Greeks, they did not develop a philosophical theory of state and society. We will write a custom essay sample on War Imperialism in Republican Rome, 327 BC-70 BC or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Instead, they were the practitioners of

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Were Romeo and Juliet Truly in Love Essay Example

Were Romeo and Juliet Truly in Love Paper Love is a universal language that may be interpreted in several different ways. According to St. Paul, the criteria stated in the bible passage 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 must be followed in order for one to have true love. In William Shakespeare’s classical tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, love is the dominant theme; Romeo and Juliet’s romantic love being the most significant. This story revolves around the fast-paced relationship between Romeo, the young heir of the Montagues and Juliet, the daughter of the Capulets. Because of an ancient feud amongst the two families, Romeo and Juliet are forced to keep their relationship hidden causing their love to end in just a matter of days. St. Paul’s standard of love defines itself to be: patient, truthful and honest. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7) The above quote is a very specific description of love according to St. Paul. Although Romeo and Juliet have one of the most iconic love stories to date, it is often wondered if their love lived up to its reputation and the question still remains as to if they were ever truly in love. Based on the standards specified in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, Romeo and Juliet were not in love because they did not practice patience, they dishonored their families and friends, and they were egotistical. We will write a custom essay sample on Were Romeo and Juliet Truly in Love specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Were Romeo and Juliet Truly in Love specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Were Romeo and Juliet Truly in Love specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The virtue of patience was not demonstrated in the relationship between Romeo and Juliet. At the beginning of the play, Romeo is heartbroken over a girl named Rosaline who does not share mutual feelings for him; however, as soon as he sees Juliet he loses all of the emotions he has for Rosaline and they immediately fall in love. After Romeo and Juliet’s second encounter that night, they exchange vows of affection and Romeo insists that they get married even though Juliet is skeptical. She says, â€Å"Although I joy in thee, I have no joy of this contract tonight. It is too rash, too unadvis’d, too sudden† (Act II: ii: 116-118); however, Romeo is eager to have her hand in marriage and asks, â€Å"O wit thou leave me so unsatisfied?† (Act II: ii: 125). If Romeo had truly loved Juliet he would have been enduring and waited until she was fully prepared to exchange her vows with him. Juliet also does not follow Paul’s criteria that states one must have patience. This is shown in the following quote where she insists that Romeo professes his love for her or she will be upset. Dost thou love me? I know thou wilt say â€Å"Ay,† And I will take thy word; yet if thou swear’st Thou mayst prove false: at lovers perjuries, They say, Jove laughs. O gentle Romeo, If thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully. Or if thou think’st I am too quickly won, I’ll frown and be perverse and say thee nay, So thou wilt woo, but else not for the world. (Act II:ii:90-97) If Juliet had been truly in love with Romeo she would have waited for their relationship to progress and not insisted that he professed his love for her. Juliet shows that she must have her own way and does not show patience. In addition, St. Paul states that love â€Å"does not dishonor others†. In this play, Romeo and Juliet are forced to defy their loved ones wishes in order to be together which essentially leads to the dishonor of both family and friends. In the following quote Juliet wants Romeo to deny his family for her love and if he will not so do, she will no longer be a Capulet if he solely swears that he loves her. O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I’ll no longer be a Capulet. (Act II:ii:33-36) Romeo also defies his loved ones when he abandons his friends Mercutio and Benvolio to go see Juliet outside of the Capulet’s orchard. Even though Romeo hears their calls he does not respond. Frustrated and annoyed, Mercutio begins to tease Romeo but Romeo only responds to himself saying, â€Å"He jests at scars that never felt a wound†, meaning that Mercutio’s opinion does not matter because he has never been wounded. Not only does Romeo dishonor his family and friends, but he also disobeys his ruler, Prince Escales. Romeo is exiled from the city of Verona after he kills a Capulet named Tybalt. The Prince proclaims that if Romeo is seen within the city, he shall be murdered; however, he takes the risk and visits Juliet. He is willing to disregard the orders of the Prince and put his life in danger in order to stay with Juliet for one more night. In Act III: IV: 17-18, he says to Juliet, â€Å"Let me be tane, let me be put to death, I am content, so thou wilt have it so.† Furthermore, Romeo and Juliet’s love was self-seeking. Neither Romeo nor Juliet takes into consideration the harm that they may cause by getting married, given the fact that their families are sworn enemies. Not only did their relationship end in their own deaths but it also contributed to the deaths of others. Romeo demonstrates a selfish behavior when he continues to pursue Juliet despite the fact that he was putting his life and the lives of his family in danger. For example, Romeo’s mother, Lady Montague dies of grief because of her son’s exile. This is learned in Act V: iii: 210-211 when Montague announces â€Å"Alas, my liege, my wife is dead tonight; Grief of my son’s exile hath stopp’d her breath† Another scene where Romeo exhibits selfishness is when he hears the news of Juliet’s death. He does not take time to think about the situation; instead, he immediately decides to commit suicide. He disregards the advice of his servant Balthasar who advises him to have patience. Instead Romeo says â€Å"Well, Juliet, I will lie with thee tonight. Let’s see for means. O mischief, thou art swift to enter in the thoughts of desperate men!† (Act V: i: 34-36). Had he been levelheaded and evaluated the situation at hand, he could have talked to Friar Laurence and discovered the truth. Instead he thought solely of himself, and as a result both his and Juliet’s lives ended tragically. Juliet also shows acts of selfishness when she fakes her own death. She is so self-absorbed that she does not think to discuss the matter with her parents and neglects to consider their opinions. She only thinks about how she feels and not of how her family and friends feel. If her parents had disagreed with her decisions to be with Romeo she could have left and lived how she pleased. In conclusion, it is clear that Romeo and Juliet’s relationship did not follow the criteria stated in St. Paul’s description of what true love is. They decided to live for each other’s love but died for it too. Perhaps if they had been more patient, honorable and thoughtful, they could have had a long-lasting relationship. Romeo and Juliet were so concerned about each other that they did not bother to consider the consequences of their actions and the effect it would have on their lives and on the lives of their loved ones. Because their love was selfish, impatient and self-centered, it did not follow the criteria of love and they did not have true love based on the description St. Paul provides in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Impact of ICT on Productivity within the Nigerian Banking Sector The WritePass Journal

The Impact of ICT on Productivity within the Nigerian Banking Sector Chapter 1 – Introduction The Impact of ICT on Productivity within the Nigerian Banking Sector Chapter 1 – Introduction1.1 Background1.2 Reason for Research Topic1.3 Study Aim and Objectives1.4 Project Constraints1.5 Study Methodology 1.5.1 Literature Review1.5.2 Primary Research1.5.3 Case study approach1.6 Dissertation Overview1.6.1 Abstract1.6.2 Chapter 1: Introduction: 1.6.3 Chapter 2: Literature Review1.6.4 Chapter 3: Case Study (Development of Survey)1.6.5 Chapter 4: Evaluation Discussion1.6.6 Chapter 5: Conclusion CHAPTER 3: SURVEY RESEARCH3.1 Introduction3.2 Method of Research   3.3 Qualities of a Good Research Question3.4 Structure of Survey3.5 Design of Questionnaire 3.6 Terminologies used in Questionnaire3.7 Method of Distribution3.8 Pretesting the Questionnaire3.9 Changes Made as a result of Pretesting3.10 Intended Participants of Survey 3.11 Ethics of a Questionnaire  3.12 Final VersionRelated Chapter 1 – Introduction 1.1 Background The Banking industry is considerably one of the largest industries in Nigeria providing employment for an estimated twenty two thousand people nationwide and generating 9% of the annual GDP of the country. Nigeria is considered to be one of the fastest growing telecommunications nations in Africa, investing heavily in ICT and related information technology Chiemeke et al (2006). One of its major investors has been the banks, however with their major investments the use of ICT has arguably had an effect on efficiency and has made operations faster nevertheless there has been no major evidence that indicates that they have increased productivity, productivity been an important factor for banks and other organizations as it can help drive economic and organizational growth and most importantly help organization increase their profit. This study delves into the realms of the banking industry in Nigeria in an attempt to discover the impact of the use of ICT has had on productivity. This study will incorporate primary and secondary research in an attempt to determine if the use of ICT has improves productivity in the banking industry and also to get a better understanding of the industry or not and their ICT practices. The outcome will be a set of recommendations aimed at suggesting possible ways to use ICT to improve productivity. This study aims at informing and advising the people in the Nigerian Banking industry considering the how use of ICT can be further used to improve productivity as well as academics who seek to broaden their insight of the industry in such light. The research and discussion will be condensed to a set of recommendations. 1.2 Reason for Research Topic The motivation behind conducting this research into the impact the use of ICT has on productivity in the Nigerian banking industry comes from the lack of such research in the region as a series of similar studies have been carried out in other developed countries. Nigerian is often regarded as the giant of Africa more so they are said to be highest investors in the use of Information communication technology in Africa, the use of ICT has no doubt contributed to the growth of the various industries in the country however there is no direct knowledge as to if the use of ICT has increased productivity in the banking industry, thus the purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of the use of ICT in the Nigerian banking industry on productivity. 1.3 Study Aim and Objectives The aim of this study project is to answer the question â€Å"does the use of ICT improve productivity in banking in Nigeria†. In order to meet this aim, this study seeks accomplish the following objectives, identify If the use of I.C.T improved productivity in Nigerian banking industry? How can ICT be used effectively to impact productivity. The benefits of ICT in banking. The problems of ICT in banking. 1.4 Project Constraints    In the course of writing this dissertation a few constraints where met as predicted in the project initiation document, this constraints include: Access to information: facts and information where needed and they couldn’t be gotten off the internet as such they had to be physically collected from the office of the central bank of Nigeria and relayed back via email. Falling ill: in the process of writing this project the author fell ill two times living the project unattended to for a total of three weeks Lack of prior knowledge: the author had no prior adept knowledge of the points that will be discussed in this study as such the author had to carry out extensive research and reading so as to broaden the gap of knowledge.       1.5 Study Methodology 1.5.1 Literature Review A full review of literature will be given, which will set the scene gives a general overview of the banking industry, the use of ICT and productivity, however it later goes on to give a more information of the Nigerian banking industry which is the subject of this study and its challenges in regards of the use of ICT and how they in turn affect productivity. 1.5.2 Primary Research A survey will be carried out to help determine the impact ICT has on productivity in Nigeria. A survey is a popular strategy used in business and management research. Surveys are often carried out through the use of a questionnaire as the data is standardised and allows for easy comparison and they allow the collection of a large amount of data from a sizeable population in a highly economical way (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2003). All the data acquired in this survey was through the use of a questionnaire issued to certain employees in a number of banks. Having completed the primary research a number of analysis tools and techniques were used to analyse the information, an overview of the tools and techniques used is in chapter 4. The banks that were involved in this study are based in Nigeria. In the course of research for this study the author discovered there has been little or no study on the research in this topic in this region of the world compared to the UK and other European countries as such the author decided to use the Nigerian banking industry as the centre of research. The survey questions are to be spread to as many banks as possible with the hope of getting responses from 15 of the 25 banks in the country; however the survey questions will be spread amongst a minimum of two branches per bank including the headquarters of those banks; however there is no certainty that it will be spread in that order as the survey is online, and also there is no assurance that there be a 100% response rate. The survey should take about 2weeks considering the various factors that may pose challenge and an 80% response rate are expected. 1.5.3 Case study approach A case study is defined as â€Å"a strategy for carrying out research which involves an empirical investigation of a particular contemporary phenomenon within its real life context using multiple sources of evidence†, (Robson, 2002). In summary the case study strategy will help guide and gain knowledge and rich understanding of the primary research carried out in this study. Case study strategy has the ability to generate answers to the various questions such as ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘how’; however a good case study can enable the challenge of an existing theory and provide a good source for new hypothesis (Saunders, Lewis Thornhill, 2003). 1.6 Dissertation Overview Now the scene has been set and an idea of what the study will revolve around has been given as such a brief layout of the writing structure will be given which will include a brief summary of what the various chapters will be about. 1.6.1 Abstract 1.6.2 Chapter 1: Introduction: 1.6.3 Chapter 2: Literature Review This chapter consists of secondary research gathered from books, journals providing knowledge, understanding and insight as to what’s been done in this line of research. 1.6.4 Chapter 3: Case Study (Development of Survey) This chapter focuses on the development of the survey used for primary research in an attempt to gain proper knowledge and understanding and also answer the question the topic of the study possess. 1.6.5 Chapter 4: Evaluation Discussion This chapter contains a step by step analysis of the data gotten from the survey and also a discussion as to what the answers of the survey imply. 1.6.6 Chapter 5: Conclusion This final chapter is a conclusion of the whole project as it summaries the previous chapters and gives a critical reflection of the process involved in the process of writing this study and finally it suggests methods for further improvement. CHAPTER 3: SURVEY RESEARCH    3.1 Introduction This study is based on an investigation into the impact of ICT on productivity in the banking industry. For the purpose of this study no particular bank was the sole focus of the research as information from one source will not be enough to assess the extent as such for this study the survey will be carried out using a number of different banks with the aid of a questionnaire which includes both qualitative and quantitative data. 3.2 Method of Research In conducting primary research a number of activities can be used such as questionnaires, interviews, tests and documentary analysis, but for the purpose of this research the questionnaire method was the only method chosen as it is cheaper, faster, has a larger response base and can cover a lot of ground compared to other methods.   3.3 Qualities of a Good Research Question In carrying out a survey it is important that the questions asked are the right questions and the survey is well structured else it provides inaccurate information which will affect the credibility of the result of the survey. Punch (1998) gives a number of criteria that will help in creating good research questions, these criteria’s include: Clear: The questions should be easy to understand and unambiguous. Specific: The concept should be clear enough to connect the data to the indicators. Answerable: There should be a clear view of what data is required to answer the question and how such data will be obtained. Interconnected: The questions must be related to each other in some meaningful way, rather than be unconnected. Substantively relevant: The questions should be interesting and worthwhile questions for investment of research effort. Punch (1998) further states that questions that do not possess this qualities are generally bad research questions, as they are unclear and not specific enough, Punch (1998) also states two problems that often occur in building questionnaires, they include value judgement and causation, as such in building the questionnaires such characteristics and problems will be avoided. 3.4 Structure of Survey The survey is divided into two sets one for each set of people. The first questionnaire seeks information on the benefits, problems, impact of ICT products on productivity and the impact of ICT measures on productivity, however the questionnaire itself is structured into 6 major sections which seek a particular kind of information which include Demographic information Information on current level of ICT investment. Information on ICT benefits in general to the bank, Information on the negative effect of ICT on productivity to the bank. Information on the impact of IT measures on productivity. Information on the impact of a number of specific ICT tools and their impact on productivity. The second section of the questionnaire seeks information on ICT input and output measures and the impact of ICT measures on productivity, it is divided into 5 sections which include: Demographic information, Information on the impact of ICT on bank outputs. Information on the impact of ICT on bank input. Information on the impact of IT measures. Information on the impact of ICT on financial services. See Appendix 4 for more details 3.5 Design of Questionnaire In designing this questionnaire, a number of questions where adopted and adapted from other questionnaires and articles found in the course of research, a few questions were also developed in completing the questionnaire. The questionnaire is an online based and in designing these questionnaires two types of questions where adopted; open and rating questions, Saunders et al. (2003) describes these questions as: Open Question: These questions are used in questionnaires when the author is uncertain of the participant’s response, such as in explanatory research. Rating Questions: This type of question is used to collect opinion data, a common example is the Likert scale in which it gets the participants opinion how strongly they agree or disagree with a statement. The Likert scale uses a 5 point rating scale which ranges from strongly agree to strongly disagree, Saunders et al (2003). 3.6 Terminologies used in Questionnaire A number of terminologies were used in this questionnaire such as Productivity, IT inputs, IP outputs and IT measures. In order not to confuse the participants or make them fill inaccurate information due to the lack of understanding of the terms, the terminologies mentioned above were well defined and explained in the portion which acts as the introduction to the survey. 3.7 Method of Distribution The method for distribution used in this study is via email as the survey itself is online. This was chosen over paper distribution as it saved the cost of transportation and also the time it will take to get back the forms, scan them analyse and go through the various scanned document, and finally as bank employees constantly have easy access to the internet, it will be easy to access and complete. A message will be written in the email sent; the message will essentially act as a cover letter that describes the purpose of the survey. 3.8 Pretesting the Questionnaire Having completed the design of the questionnaire was tested out on a small group to see if the questions are clear and understandable. Robson (2002) states that pretesting a questionnaire is good as it helps check if the questions are clear, simple, unambiguous and if they do not meet those criteria’s the participants involved in the test should give their thoughts and opinions as to what questions aren’t clear and how they could be made clear. The amount of time taken to complete the questionnaire, this feedback will be used to further improve the structure of the questionnaire 3.9 Changes Made as a result of Pretesting Pre-testing feedback was mostly positive. The people involved in the pre testing where satisfied with the length of the questionnaire based on its purpose, however most people where of the impression that the questionnaire can be completed by the general public, as such at the top of the questionnaire a change was made where it was stated who was qualified to answer the questionnaire. The only major negative comment was on the last set of questions in the second questionnaire, the comment was that the question was not clear and easy to understand enough and as a result of that the questions where rephrased. 3.10 Intended Participants of Survey This survey, compared to most others, does not seek information from the general public, it seeks information from certain employees of the bank as they will be the most capable in answering questions accurately as information is made readily available to them. These employees include: IT Manager Finance Manager The first aspect of the questionnaire seeks information on the benefits, problems, impact of ICT products on productivity and the impact of ICT measures on productivity as such the IT manager or any other person at that capacity will be the most suitable to answer such question. The second section of the questionnaire seeks information on ICT input and output measures and the impact of ICT measures on productivity, as such this portion of the questionnaire can only be completed by the Finance manager or any other person at in such capacity as the information will be made readily available to them. In completing the questionnaire the participants will have to state their roles or positions in the organisation to make sure the information is gotten form the person most adequate to answer it. 3.11 Ethics of a Questionnaire A major concern of people who are involved in surveys is giving their information to a third party as such information can be gathered and misused. The questionnaires will therefore be carried out in anonymity as participant’s identity will not be revealed and the questionnaire will adhere to the data protection act and several other ethical standards that might be put in place.   3.12 Final Version Having completed and made changes to the questionnaire the links where distributed by emails.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Comcast voip telecommunications Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Comcast voip telecommunications - Research Paper Example This age is known as the age of information technology and we see information technology everywhere. In this scenario, Comcast based VoIP is completely an innovative and high-tech technology for the superior management of business and corporate issues. Additionally, Comcast Digital Voice presents a completely new set of alternatives for our home telephone service with the Comcast superior broadband network. For example, Comcast Digital communication and phone service allows us to choose unlimited local as well as long distance communication plans through which we can keep our present telephone number as well as touch-tone telephone. Moreover, we can enjoy all of our preferred options similar to call waiting, voice mail, caller ID and a lot more (OnlineComcast, 2011). This paper outlines strategic Implications of information technology on COMCAST with a focus on VoIP Telecommunications over the next three years. This paper will also present a recommendation on what Strategic Action sh ould be taken. Technology Overview Comcast VoIP has emerged as a modern and high-tech technology service that offers a lot of facilities for the business management. Presently Comcast VoIP service is attracting a large number of VoIP clients every quarter and has extremely quickly turned out to be the nation's (US) 4th major phone carrier. However, they are not only one of the major VoIP communication service providers, but they also present the maximum quality local and international calls. Additionally, the Comcast VoIP Digital phone service offers a range of improved telephone characteristics with cost savings that exceed a lot of customary telephone services. In addition, the modern services of Comcast VoIP technology based service allows its users to keep their present telephone number as well as touch-tone telephone thus offering advantages of countless characteristics similar to improved Voice Mail that allows the users to get and send their messages through online or phone s ystems. Moreover, digital phone service as well allows the users to take pleasure of unlimited local as well as nationwide long distance calls, such as calls to Puerto Rico and Canada at least monthly price. Thus, people are able to save money. It also allows its users to connect TV and Internet service with Comcast phone service and take pleasure pay less for the entire Comcast communication services (Bode, 2008) and (OnlineComcast, 2011). Company  Background For this report I have selected Animusoft Company that is making use of VoIP services offered by ActivePBX. While using traditional VoIP services, Animusoft Corporation faced a lot of problems regarding internal communication of business and departmental interaction. The business is aimed at improving its overall services and potential working capability with new VoIP services. In this way the company will be able to achieve high level performance (Animusoft Corporation, 2011). Current Business Issues of VoIP   VoIP is a c omparatively modern technology. In this scenario, the research work shows that a lot of corporations are now making use of VoIP technology to reduce costs, tonnage efficiency and maintaining strategic position.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

HIS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

HIS - Essay Example The author also captures some selected reactions by a section of the early American society on the decisions of the early executive office.] Wood, Gordon S. Empire of Liberty: A History of the Early Republic, 1789-1815. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Print. [In this book, Wood analyzes some of the early themes in American history. He focuses on the birth of democracy in the aftermath of the ratification of the constitution. Wood analyzes competitive interests between the Federalists and Republicans. The inaugural of Thomas Jefferson and his speech is the critical component of this source as far as this paper is concerned.] In the immediate period after the Declaration of Independence, the United States faced many challenges in her political, social and economic spheres of life (Wood 34). This was particularly so given that it was a time when leaders were still searching for the best alternative solutions to issues pertinent to them. Some level of uncertainty and mistrust exis ted even in office of the President. There was constrained freedom of speech as well as the rights of foreign born amongst other things. Essentially, the people’s concerns were the interpretation of liberty. ... He highlighted his vision for the America they wanted. He cautioned that it would not be in the interest of the nation to have political intolerance, which he viewed as wicked and capable of deteriorating to the point of bloody persecutions. In this part, Jefferson was aware that sharp differences existed in the Democrat-Republican political interest. Therefore, he sought to remind them that as a nation that was just discovering itself, there was a need for unity in matters of national importance. He also pointed out to the need to make sure that that nobody would be victimized for expressing his/her political opinion on various matters. As Wood (45) observes, Jefferson also preempted a situation in which the United States would become diverse owing to values that will attract people to its peaceful shores. On this, he emphasized that the country has a responsibility to lead by example. He preempted a situation in which there would also be a majority and minority sides of opinions. C onfirming the values of democracy, Jefferson emphasized in the First Inauguration speech the fundamental of human rights. He said, â€Å"...the minority possesses equal rights, which equal law must protect† (Levy 74). This way, Jefferson’s speech laid foundation for the principles of equality before the law under the United States constitution. It also discouraged discrimination of any sort whatsoever. Jefferson seemed to have a vision of a perfect state where individual liberty would allow them to follow the dictated of their free will not just within the context of the law, but also reasonably. In a way, Jefferson puts in that although the majority may pass a regulation and make something lawful, if reason

Monday, November 18, 2019

The discussion on austerity measures Assignment

The discussion on austerity measures - Assignment Example However, consistently high government deficit can be detrimental for the economy in the short run owing to the fact that the government will have to borrow in order to finance government deficit. (Nellis & Parker, 1996). There are two methods through which the government can actually finance its deficit i.e. it can either impose more taxes or have to borrow domestically or from the international organizations such as IMF and World Bank. Similarly having the higher government debt would ultimately put pressure on the government because most of the government revenue would go towards the servicing of the debt. Further, a higher quantum of government debt creates crowding out effect thus reducing the amount of credit available for the private sector. The lack of credit available to the private sector will therefore ultimately increase the interest rates in the economy and therefore invariably affecting the level of investment into the economy. The lack of investment therefore can furthe r result into the lack of capital formation and the economy may not be able to grow according to the estimates. The above laws therefore are critical owing to the fact that they outline the maximum limits to which economic variables such as government debt as well as the deficit can relate to the gross domestic product. Keeping both these economic variables therefore within a certain range will allow the governments to keep the detrimental affects of these economic variables under control. Data published recently indicate that the government deficit as a percentage of the GDP in EU area is 6.3% whereas the government debt is almost 80% of the GDP1. Countries with largest government deficits included Greece, Ireland, UK, Spain and almost all other major economies of the EU. Countries like Ireland and Greece received support from the EU whereas there is growing discussion about the Spain’s ability to repay its sovereign debt owing to higher government debt. Further, UK has init iated austerity measures in order to control the government expenditure so that the government debt can be rationalized. UK’s government deficit in almost 11.5% suggesting that the economy may not be in good shape and there is a greater need to implement economic strategies which can actually allow the country to remain within economic soundness. The higher ratios of the government debt as well as the government deficit therefore may suggest that the economies may require external support in order to keep themselves solvent. Thus the rules outlined clearly provide the best estimates for the countries to keep their debt and deficit within certain percentage to avoid such economic issues. 2) The circular flow of income suggests that there are three players in the economy i.e. the households, firms and the government. The national income which is generated in the economy therefore is generated with the interaction of these three economic entities. The exact relationship between these components therefore can be described in following equation: Y= AD= C + I + G The above relationship assumes that there is no external trade with other countries. However, if we introduce the trade with the external world, the above relationship will be : Y = AD= C+I+G+X X= Total exports – Total Imports The components of aggregate demand include the consumption, investment, government expenditure assuming that there is no foreign trade. The circular flow of income therefore suggests that the goods and services produced by the firms are consumed by

Friday, November 15, 2019

Health Disparities in New Zealand: A Literature Review

Health Disparities in New Zealand: A Literature Review Nateeh R. Cueva   Introduction Health is an integral part in the context of human existence. Each individual’s views regarding health and practices concerning healthcare vary depending on one’s historical, political and economic status, including the level of education, gender and personal experiences.[1] Hence, it is imperative to consider these aforementioned factors affecting health in the healthcare system. The principal objective of this paper is to review the specific historical, cultural, social, educational and economic backgrounds of the Maori people and each corresponding effects to healthcare approach. This paper also aims to investigate the imparity of the Maori and non-Maori health status. As several studies prove health disparities, this paper examines the actions taken to achieve equilibrium in healthcare service delivery among Maori and non-Maori people. Maori History and the Treaty of Waitangi New Zealand’s first east Polynesian settlers discovered the country during the 13th century, approximately 500 years before Europeans became aware of its existence.[2] The tribe is now known as Maori, meaning ‘original’, to characterize their distinction after the Europeans’ arrival. Due to lawlessness and the British government’s goal to protect trading interests, the Treaty of Waitangi was created and signed by several Maori chiefs and British Crown representatives. [3] The Treaty was translated into English and Maori versions containing three articles with substantial interpretation differences.[4] As explained by St. George (2013), the first article in the English version refers to sovereignty. It indicates transfer of power to the British Crown. However, Maori version conveys share of power. Maori used the term â€Å"kawanatanga†, which means setting up of British government without implicating transfer of authority. The second article chiefly safeguards property of rights, concerning â€Å"tino rangatiratanga† or chieftainship. Maori people are granted control and rights over their lands, woodlands, waters, fisheries and other properties in the English version. In contrast, Maori version denotes more extensive rights for Maori, including proprietary and reassurance of cultural and social items like language and villages. The third article warrants the Maori people equal rights as the British subjects. Regardless of the differences, the two versions of the Treaty are legitimate as they were both signed (St. George, 2013). Although protecting Maori health is part of the objectives of the Treaty, the population decline in the 1800’s proved past neglect on its principles. Basing on the data presented by Wishart (2012), Maori population went as low as 43,927 in 1886 while non-Maori migration constantly increased. The land wars between Maori and Pakeha (non-Maori) as well as the diseases introduced by the increasing migration had also caused devastating effects to Maori population (Durie, as cited in Kingi, 2007). After a major Maori protest, the Waitangi Tribunal was established in 1975 to investigate Crown breaches to the Treaty of Waitangi.[5] Its goal is to consider the principles of the Treaty upon making decisions rather than the mere conflicting interpretations of both English and Maori versions. This had led to compensation grants, return of lands and financial recompense to tribal authorities for economic development. Subsequently, the Maori population dramatically recovered to over half a million during the 20th century (St. George, 2013). St. George further elaborated that the Treaty has three key principles relating to Maori health: partnership, participation and protection. Partnership basically means working with Maori communities in developing strategic health care practices for the community. Participation is the act of involving the Maori people upon planning and during healthcare services delivery. Protection is ensuring equality on Maori and non-Maori health status while considering Maori cultural concepts, values, and practices. Culture and Impact on Health Culturally-based beliefs, values and attitude relating to health influence engagement to health-promoting activities and access to health services. As non-Maori population continuously surged, healthcare services became highly Pakeha-dominated.[6] This led Maori on becoming suspicious about health services rendered by hospitals because of cultural reasons. The Maori cultural health perspective is holistic. It comprises four cornerstones of health: wairua (spiritual), hinengaro (psychological), tinana (physical) and whà ¤nau (extended family).[7] Maori’s concepts of tapu (sacred, restricted) and noa (free from tapu or unrestricted), the basis of law and order during pre-European time, interrelate with today’s Maori health environment. In terms of daily activities, this entails that food (noa) should be placed separately from bodily functions like faeces (tapu). Practices and healthcare services that do not mirror these cultural concepts receive lesser support and often distress the Maori community. As Maori slowly embrace Pakeha-predominated health services, traditional Maori health practices largely remained (Lange, 2012). These health practices, though helpful in some cases, oftentimes risk patient safety and jeopardize medical treatment when opposed or delayed in consideration to cultural beliefs. Maori Socioeconomic Status and Health Socioeconomic status, basing on aspects such as income, education and occupation, is a fundamental element of health. Studies prove that favourable living condition is closely relevant to better health quality.[8] Health disparity can be brought about by material poverty, poor nutrition, mediocre housing standards and stress resulting from low social and economic status. Health services fees further hinder medical treatment access. Statistics New Zealand (as cited in Marie, Fergusson Boden, 2010) supports well documented studies proving that Maori are at greater socioeconomic disadvantage than any New Zealanders by ethnicity. This socioeconomic deprivation likely predisposes Maori to poor health conditions and limit healthcare access. Health Disparity and Inequality Regardless of the efforts to apply the Principles of the Treaty to health development, health inequality and disproportion among Maori and non-Maori is still evident. Studies prove that Maori are underprivileged in terms of health among any New Zealand ethnic groups, showing higher morbidity and mortality rates.[9] Blakely, Fawcett, Atkinson, Tobias and Cheung (as cited in St. George, 2013) stated that Maori infants have lower birth weight and die more frequently from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) than non-Maori. Brown (as cited in St. George, 2013) also added that Maori die eight to ten years earlier, on average, with avoidable death rates twice as much compared to non-Maori. New Zealand’s cancer death rate is greater than Australia, consisting of two thirds male Maori and one quarter Maori female deaths (Skegg and McCredie, as cited in St. George, 2013). Obesity in Maori community is also of greater proportion, contributing to higher rates of diabetes (Ministry of Heal th, as cited in St. George, 2013). These data show that Maori are more susceptible to illnesses and their lesser access to health services is detrimental. According to Durie (as cited in St. George, 2013), the suboptimal Maori health status pose negative effects on the community’s outlook of the healthcare system as a whole. This may lead to stereotyping healthcare system basing on their less suitable health situations and experiences. Studies further claimed Maori being treated differently in the healthcare setting. As per findings of the 2001—02 National Primary Medical Care Survey (as cited in St. George, 2013), doctors spent only 2 minutes out of 12 minute consultation time or 17% less time on caring for Maori than non-Maori patients. Racism also affects Maori health status (Harris, as cited in St. George, 2013), suggesting that the greater the number of racial discrimination experiences, Maori self perceived health status becomes lesser. Maori Health Development and Addressing Inequalities During the 20th century, eliminating inequalities became a considerable section of government health policy and statutory obligation of district health boards (Pollock, 2012). Social welfare policies and intersectoral activities promoting health equality such as retrofitting and housing insulation were implemented. The New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000 absolves the Treaty of Waitangi and Maori health (Blakely Simmers, 2011). Health programmes and healthcare service delivery focus on Maori and low socioeconomic people. Constant monitoring on health inequalities and research conduction allowed better understanding of health disparities and progress tracking. The increasing awareness on health inequalities concerning Maori people paved way to more improved funding on health services addressing deprivation and ethnicity. As a result, immunization rates soared, smoking cessation rates increased and improved Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular risk management.[10] The policies relevant to health equity strongly develop Maori health status and healthcare service access. Conclusion Health is indeed affected by several determining factors that can enhance or diminish quality of life. Historical, political, cultural, educational and socioeconomic backgrounds are crucial aspects to consider in delivering effective health services that support health equality. Looking into the health disparities affecting Maori people, it is unacceptable in the context of medical practice to provide partial health services basing on individual’s ethnicity, cultural beliefs, values and economic status. While it is a fact that traditional practices can hinder medical treatment and healthcare goal achievement, better ways and policies should be implemented to meet the greater Maori health needs. The Maori culture, being the first settlers in New Zealand, has become an indispensable component of the country’s society. For Maori to live longer, achieve healthier lives and contribute to the society at their utmost potential, the root causes of inequalities ought to be rightfully addressed. In the same manner, may the past mistakes and neglect be a grounding lesson to further strengthen the efforts to eliminate health disparities. May impartial health services prevail and be maintained for Maori, non-Maori and other ethnicity of different backgrounds alike. References Blakely, T., Simmers, D. (2011). Fact and action sheets on health inequalities. New Zealand Medical Association. Retrieved from Capital and Coast District Health Board. (2009). Tikanga Mà ¤ori: A guide for healthcare workers. Retrieved from Maori.pdf Derby, M. (2012). Waitangi tribunal – te rÃ…Â pÃ…Â « whakamana. Te, Ara the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, 1-6. Retrieved from whakamana/page-1 Kingi, T. R. (2007). The treaty of Waitangi: A framework for MÄ ori health development. New Zealand Journal of Occupational Therapy, 54(1), 4-10. Retrieved from Lange, R. (2014). Te hauora MÄ ori i mua – history of MÄ ori health Pre-European health. Te, Ara the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, 1-6. Retrieved from Marie D., Fergusson, D.M., Boden, J.M. (2010). Does socio-economic inequality explain ethnic differences in nicotine dependence? Evidence from a New Zealand birth cohort. Australian New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, (44), 378-383. Retrieved from Meredith, P., Higgins, R. (2012). KÄ wanatanga – MÄ ori engagement with the state: Defining kÄ wanatanga. Te Ara the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, 1-5. Retrieved from Health Promotion Forum of New Zealand. (2002). TUHA–NZ: A treaty understanding of Hauora in Aotearoa-New Zealand. Retrieved from New Zealand History. (2012). Differences between the texts: Read the treaty. Retrieved from New Zealand History. (2012). Signing the treaty. Retrieved from Pollock, K. (2012). Health and society: Socio-economic status, ethnicity and health inequality. Te Ara the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, 1-5. Retrieved from St. George, I. (Ed.). (2013). Cole’s medical practice in New Zealand. New Zealand: Medical Council of New Zealand. Wilson, J. (2013). MÄ ori arrival and settlement. Te Ara the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, 1-7. Retrieved from Wishart, I. (2012). Waitangi researcher asked to lie by government agency. Investigate Daily. Retrieved from researcher-asked-to-lie-by-govt-agency/?doing_wp_cron=1401700328.4694170951843261718750 Glossary Hinengaro the mental health Kawanatanga governorship PÄ kehÄ  – non-Moari, usually of British ethnic origin Tinana the physical health Tino rangatiratanga absolute sovereignty Wairua the spiritual health Whà ¤nau extended family [1] Health Promotion Forum of New Zealand. (2002). TUHA–NZ: A treaty understanding of Hauora in Aotearoa-New Zealand. Retrieved from [2] Wilson, J. (2013). MÄ ori arrival and settlement. Te Ara the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, 1-7. Retrieved from [3] New Zealand History. (2012). Signing the treaty. Retrieved from [4] New Zealand History. (2012). Differences between the texts: Read the treaty. Retrieved from [5] Derby, M. (2012). Waitangi tribunal – te rÃ…Â pÃ…Â « whakamana. Te, Ara the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, 1-6. Retrieved from [6] Lange, R. (2014). Te hauora MÄ ori i mua – history of MÄ ori health Pre-European health. Te, Ara the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, 1-6. Retrieved from [7] Capital and Coast District Health Board. (2009). Tikanga Mà ¤ori: A guide for healthcare workers. Retrieved from Maori.pdf [8] Pollock, K. (2012). Health and society: Socio-economic status, ethnicity and health inequality. Te Ara the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, 1-5. Retrieved from [9] St. George, I. (Ed.). (2013). Cole’s medical practice in New Zealand. New Zealand: Medical Council of New Zealand. [10] Blakely, T., Simmers, D. (2011). Fact and action sheets on health inequalities. New Zealand Medical Association. Retrieved from

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Jerrocs Betrayal Essay example -- Star Trek Defector Essays Papers

Jerroc's Betrayal In the Star Trek: the Next Generation episode entitled "The Defector," an interesting issue concerning loyalty and credibility is raised. When Admiral Jerroc of the Romulan Empire turns himself over to the Federation in an apparent attempt to save both parties from a potentially catastrophic war, he violates most of the unstated rules of turning against one's comrades to fight for the enemy. His behavior and statements as a prisoner aboard the Enterprise cause Captain Picard to doubt Jerroc's explanation for why he has undertaken such a course of action. Jerroc's argument is fairly shaky, as he relies initially on ethos, trying to put forth his cause in the most straightforward manner. As time progresses and the situation grows more grave, however, Jerroc begins to utilize a more emotional argument, which is often very effective when conversing with the "good guys." Jerroc's method of convincing Picard that he is sincere plays heavily in attempting to analyze another aspect of the si tuation: whether or not Jerroc's betrayal of the Romulans constitutes a treasonous and seditious act against them, or if he is simply defecting to the cause in which he truly believes. Jerroc's inconsistent argument, combined with other circumstances which unfolded throughout the episode, is evidence that Jerroc has lost his faith in the Romulan cause and has done what he felt is right. These circumstances help to clarify Jerroc's reason for betraying his Romulan brothers and make the distinction between his being a traitor and his being a defector. Before attempting to place a label of defector or traitor on Jerroc, it is necessary to establish a working definition of the two terms. Both terms certainly constitute an act of ... ...s toward the Romulans. For this reason, Jerroc simply cannot be viewed as a traitor under the definition previously established. His behavior and motives clearly show that Jerroc's intentions were unbiased, and that he merely tried to do what was right. An important factor in trying to determine if Jerroc is a traitor or a defector is the perspective the opinion is taken from. Without a doubt, the Romulans would view him as a traitor, as it is certain that they feel many negative feelings toward him. Jerroc also damaged the Romulans in an indirect way by ruining a plan which may have benefited them greatly. The definitions must be applied in a neutral context, however, and that context clearly shows Jerroc's non-hostile attitude toward the Romulans. Ultimately, the inconsistencies in Jerroc's argument helped to establish him as a defector rather than a traitor.