Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Qualities of an Effective Employee

Question: What are the qualities of an effective employee? How canbosses increase their employees. Answer: Introduction The employees should have certain qualities that help them to accomplish their requisite tasks and that help in achieving the goals and objectives of the individual employee as well as the organization (Alberta, 2016). Thesis statement There are some certain qualities of the employees that improve their importance and essentiality within the organizations. Some are personal qualities as well as some professional qualities, which help them to accomplish the tasks assigned to them thus, they help in achieving the goals and objectives of the organization. The bosses should take responsibility to improve the quality and effectiveness of the employees and so have to detect the deficiencies of the employees and provide proper training and learning sessions for the employees that improve their effectiveness. Qualities of an effective employee The qualities in other way determine the characteristics of a good employee and thereby it becomes the assets of an organization. The qualities of an effective employee can be are as the communicator, self-motivated, hard worker, adaptable/decisive and the effective learner. The other qualities also helps in determining the team player, helping others, honesty, ethical, polite, punctual and avoiding the gossip (Anon, 2016). The communicator characteristics help in defining the appropriate and the well communication system with expressing the verses in much clear manner. Self motivation characteristics help in the creation of the responsibility which furthermore builds the characteristics of responsibility in oneself. There are no substitutes for the hard workers but one has to work hard for building the qualities in oneself. Employee must know to adjust the environment with consisting of the willingness to learn something. Honesty, team player and the helping other becomes the crucia l characteristics that are very much requisite for the enhancement of the characteristics of the worker and thereby it helps in running the workplace appropriately. Thus the ethical, discipline and the punctual work rules are made for improving the right traits of the company. These are the qualities of an effective employee which when implemented in the organization, helps in the appropriate enhancement. Therefore in order to increase the effectiveness of the employees, the organizational skills, lifestyle skills with the time management skills and the financial management skills must be judged. Strategies for employee retention and sustainability Poor relationship with bosses and employees is the major reason that causes many employees to leave. Good communication is significant at the workplace that helps to establish healthy relationships. The bosses should interact with other employees that help to build stronger cooperation and helping them to improve their skills and knowledge. The most important thing is that bosses should understand the basic human needs that are necessary to fulfill. The bosses should contribute their efforts to improve the effectiveness of employees and b to improve employees performance (, 2016). The employees should be motivated and inspired towards their goals. Although each employees have their unique responsibilities and it is the responsibility of the bosses to determine this. The employees should be provided with adequate training and education that will help them to execute their work appropriately and timely. Therefore, friendly environment within the organization w ill enhance productivity. Feedback system would be beneficial that will provide information regarding views and perceptions of the employees. The bosses should analyze these feedback results and taking steps on the basis of feedback. The employees should be encouraged and satisfying their needs is also an important step to increase employees. The employees should be appreciated for performing well in their task job. The goals should be communicated effectively and efficiently to them and setting SMART objectives will increase their efficiency. Conclusion The qualities of employees help them to perform the tasks assigned to them and it improves the effectiveness of the employees. Both the bosses and the employees have their own perspective roles in the organization in order to run the organization fruitfully. In order to improve the effectiveness of the employees proper training and learning sessions for the employees should be organize by the boss. The effectiveness of the bosses must be present in order to judge and increase the effectiveness of the employees. The employees should have essential academic knowledge, experience, skills in order to perform the requisite tasks, which are assigned to them. Beside this, he /she has to be sincere, dedicated and hard working as well as loyal to the organization, which motivate the employees to give the optimum level of efforts in order to deliver superior performance. Proper training can improves the skills of the employees that help them to deliver their requisite task more efficiently wit h understanding the creation of necessary balance. References Alberta, G. (2016).ALIS - Tip Sheets. Anon, (2016). (2016).Three Tips for Improving Employee Effectiveness : Personal Best Consulting.

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